Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Print Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms Withdrawals are mild, but can cause relapse By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 10, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on November 11, 2019 Sion Touhig/Getty Images News/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Prevalence Symptoms Resources View All Back To Top Compared to withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting alcohol or other drugs, cannabis (marijuana) withdrawal symptoms are relatively mild, but they are uncomfortable enough to cause many who try to quit to relapse to relieve those symptoms. In other words,  marijuana withdrawal symptoms  are not life-threateningâ€"their main danger is causing someone who really wants or needs to quit smoking weed to fail. Answering these  10 questions  may help you determine if your marijuana withdrawal symptoms are severe enough to tempt you to relapse if you try to quit. Overview Just as alcoholics who are trying to quit drinking may pick up a drink to relieve the  sometimes life-threatening symptoms  of alcohol withdrawal, marijuana smokers may light up a joint to relieve the discomfort they experience when they try to stop smoking. This can be a serious problem for smokers who need to quit to keep their job or who have been court-ordered into treatment. One study found that 70.4% of users trying to quit smoking marijuana relapsed to relieve  the withdrawal symptoms.?? Prevalence A Duke University study of 496 adult  marijuana smokers  who tried to quit found that 95.5%  of them experienced at least one withdrawal symptom while 43.1% experienced more than one symptom. The number of symptoms the participants experienced was significantly linked to how often and how much the subjects smoked prior to trying to quit.?? Those who were daily smokers experienced the most symptoms, but even those who reported using cannabis less than weekly experienced some withdrawal symptoms of moderate intensity. Symptoms Following is a look at some of the most common symptoms associated  with marijuana withdrawal. Cravings One of the symptoms most reported by people trying to quit smoking marijuana is a  craving  for marijuana  or an intense desire for more. In one study, 75.7% of participants trying to quit reported an intense craving for marijuana.?? Although many regular smokers of marijuana do not believe they are addicted to the drug, one hallmark of addiction is craving when you try to stop, whether its heroin, alcohol, gambling or  sex addiction. Craving is the most common symptom reported by former marijuana users  in the early days  of abstinence. Mood Swings The second most common symptom reported by those who have tried to quit  smoking marijuana  is mood swings. Former users report emotional symptoms of depression, anxiety and irritability. Irritability and anger are common symptoms for anyone who is giving up a drug of choice, especially if they are forced by circumstances to quit. More than half of those who try to quit marijuana report mood swings.?? Typically, these symptoms begin to diminish after two to three weeks but can linger in some up to three months. Sleep Disruption Insomnia is one of the most  common symptoms of drug withdrawal, whether the drug is marijuana, alcohol or  prescription painkillers. Just as someone who is alcohol-dependent or someone who has been addicted to opiates experiences  difficulty trying to sleep  after they quit, marijuana smokers also find falling to sleep difficult.?? Insomnia symptoms after you stop smoking cannabis can last a few days or a couple of weeks. Some smokers find that they can experience occasional sleeplessness for a few months after quitting. But insomnia is not the only sleep disruption problem associated with marijuana withdrawal. Some people who have stopped smoking pot report having nightmares and very vivid dreams that also disrupt their sleep. These frequent, vivid dreams typically begin about a week after quitting and can last for about a month before tapering off. An estimated 46.9%  of former smokers report sleep disruption problems.?? Others who have quit smoking report having using dreams in which they dream they smoke marijuana. Some former smokers have reported having these types of dreams years after they stopped  using marijuana. Headaches One of the most common physical symptoms reported by those who stop smoking is a headache.?? Not everyone who stops smoking marijuana experiences headaches, but for those who do, the headaches can be very intense, especially during the first few days after quitting. Headaches associated with cannabis withdrawal can last for a few weeks up to a couple of months. Headaches,  like most other symptoms  of withdrawing  from marijuana use, will usually begin one to three days after quitting and will peak two to six days after stopping. Symptoms usually fade after two weeks, but some former smokers report continued symptoms for several weeks or even months later. Other Symptoms Other symptoms reported by researchers include: Appetite changeWeight lossWeight gainDigestion problemsCramps or nausea after eating?? Others have reported night sweats, loss of the sense of humor, decreased sex drive, or increased sex drive. Some former users have reported shaking and dizziness.?? Physical symptoms of marijuana withdrawal tend to be less intense, peak sooner and fade more quickly than the psychological symptoms associated with quitting. The frequency and  amount of marijuana  the smoker used prior to stopping affects the severity and length of the withdrawals. Resources If you have decided to quit smoking weed, or you have been forced by circumstances to quit, chances are you will experience some kind of withdrawal symptoms. Depending on how much and how often you have been smoking, these symptoms could become intense enough to drive you to relapse to find relief. You dont have to do it on your own. Seek help from your healthcare provider to deal with the physical symptoms of withdrawal or seek help from a support group like  Marijuana Anonymous  to handle the psychological symptoms.